Dear Friends,
Prayerful Greetings
from Varghese VC!
I am pleased
to invite you to the public defense of my doctoral
dissertation entitled “The manifestation of God’s merciful justice: A theocentric reading of Romans 3:21-26” on 20 October (Tuesday) 2015 at 2pm
in the Promotiezall of the KU Leuven, University Halls, Naamsestraat 22,
2.00 p.m.: Public defense in
the Promotion Hall (first floor)
4.00 p.m.: Reception
in the Jubilee Hall (first floor)
7.00 p.m.: Dinner in
the Museum Hall (ground floor)
I take this
opportunity to thank you most sincerely for your love, encouragement and
support at different levels.
Looking forward to
your esteemed presence on 20th October,
Fr. Varghese Chiraparamban